Business Office
Welcome to the WWPS Financial Operations page. All functions related to payroll, purchasing and finance are directed through this office. The normal business hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Welcome to the WWPS Financial Operations page. All functions related to payroll, purchasing and finance are directed through this office. The normal business hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Current employees:
Current employees:
Lisa Cash, Director of Financial Operations----------------821-3010
Lisa Cash, Director of Financial Operations----------------821-3010
Keith Kelliher, Assistant Director of Financial Operations ----821-3010 X6533
Keith Kelliher, Assistant Director of Financial Operations ----821-3010 X6533
Melissa Griffin, Accounts Payable/Receivable--------------821-3010 X6549
Melissa Griffin, Accounts Payable/Receivable--------------821-3010 X6549
Patricia Amore, Payroll Clerk (Classified)-----------------821-3010 X6619
Patricia Amore, Payroll Clerk (Classified)-----------------821-3010 X6619
Susan Cucca, Payroll Clerk (Certified)--------------------821-3010 X6618
Susan Cucca, Payroll Clerk (Certified)--------------------821-3010 X6618
Brianna Factor, Attendance and Outreach Clerk ------------ 821-3010
Approved Vendor Lists
Below is a list of vendors from various master price agreements and consortiums which the school department can purchase from. This is not a complete list and diligence is still needed to ensure the best product for the best price. Requisition submitters must review each vendor to ensure the product you are requesting is on the contract. If purchasing from one of these vendors be sure to note the name of the MPA/consortium and award/contract number on the requisition for verification. Check back regularly for updates.