WWPS Mission Statement
The West Warwick Public Schools, in partnership with the entire community, is dedicated to providing all learners with access and opportunity to a challenging, comprehensive education while developing future ready skills in a safe learning environment.
WWPS Vision Statement
In West Warwick we want all learners to feel safe, seen, and successful.
Communications from Superintendent Tarasevich
Survey Slide from CC#1.pdf
For more information regarding the school construction process please see the new WW SBC page in the top menu or click here
WWPS Mentoring
WW Mentor Flyer.pdf
WWHS Vision of a Graduate
WWHS Vision of a Graduate page 1.pdf
WWHS Vision of a Graduate V2 page 2.pdf
WWPS 2024-2025 School Calendar and Explanation Page
2024-2025 school calendar approved 2-8-24.pdf
Explanation page 2024-2025 approved 2-8-24.pdf